Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blood drips from the eyes of virgin mary's picture mother of jesus christ.Is it true?

if true what is the reason behind it and what it means.

i have heard many incidents like this all around the world,but i don't know what to believe?Blood drips from the eyes of virgin mary's picture mother of jesus christ.Is it true?
There have been quite a few incidents regarding this. The reason she si crying tears of blood is to highlight the suffering and pain in the world and how she and jesus are in pain watching the destruction of mankind. She is crying tears of pain.Blood drips from the eyes of virgin mary's picture mother of jesus christ.Is it true?
They are called stigmata... what does it mean? It means that red liquid drips from the eyes of the picture.

I don't read anything into such reports, until I know the facts behind them.

I guess you never read about how the Church changed its standpoint about where Jesus was nailed to the cross... and suddenly the people with wrist bleeding stigmata changed their bleeding locations to coincide with the Churches decision. And then when that nail placement was disproven, the church when back to the orignal spot... and so did the stigmata. - If this was really supernatural phenomenon... wouldn't the stigmata been in the same (correct) position all along???
Here's what happened:

God was smoking some killer green with some of his homies. Then Noah broke out some acid. God told Noah he wasn't sure if he should until Eve promised him a ******** if he did it.

So you know what that crazy God damn son-of-a-***** did? He took 5 acid!!!!!! He was tripping balls and somewhere between the shoot out with the cops and the crazy 50 hooker orgy he had; he managed to spurt blood from Mary's eyes.
If true, then what it means is that someone rigged the picture to drip ';blood'; from the eyes of Mary's picture.

In Matthew 12:39, we read that there will be no sign other than the fact that Jesus was dead and buried for three days. The Church already ignores this clear and concise Bible passage, so I can understand why you also feel the need to look for ';signs,'; because you are merely emulating your teacher the Church - not Christ.
If it were true, then we'd know the blood type of the Virgin Mary. The most credible claims turn out to be rusty water dripping onto statues or things like that. Not a hoax, just a coincidence. And then there's the hoaxes.
from the pictures i see, that mary is white, its like 99.99% unlikely that the ';mary'; would have been caucasian.

so no... cant be jesus' doing.
The Virgin Mary is not true. No evidence. The Tooth Fairy is true. Hard evidence found under my pillow.
Statues of all religions have been known to move or cry.

Not just catholicism.
It's another ploy to make Christians appear 'hokey'.
I dont believe it. Could be Satan screwing around. God doesnt need to do that.
No. It is not true. Its false.
no... its a picture.
Our God works in mysterious ways....perhaps it is true?

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