Friday, February 12, 2010

Is it true Gods family all gang up on Jesus and crucify him?

CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM. It is his gift. So I can get into heaven. As all the Christians run to grab their hammers.

Something wrong with this gift of grace Christians? Is it true Gods family all gang up on Jesus and crucify him?
Jews killed Jesus. Duh!Is it true Gods family all gang up on Jesus and crucify him?
The ones who crucified him were animals with very little control over their animal drives.Today it is different but not much different.If he appeared today,and did the things he did before,he would simply be crucified in a more modern way.Via the Media.

Christ did not choose to die.He was murdered.

The lie ';Christ died to save us';is what people like to tell themselves to alleviate their sense of being guilty for being a part of a society that murdered an embodiment of love.Rationalization.
According to the bible ,,,,yes, but also according to the bible it is okay to kill as long as you are doing it in gods name.
Aside from the obvious hyperbole, the only thing wrong with this gift is that some people refuse to accept it.
No, it isn't true. It is true that Christ submitted Himself to the cross. I find your question unnecessarily offensive.

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