Or do you still face going to Hell for sin, even though you've accepted Jesus? Suppose you're a sexual deviant, and you can't help sinning in your heart (such as committing adultery in your mind, or wishing harm on someone you don't like). Do you still get a free pass, or do you get to go to Hell with the rest of the sinners?Christians, is it true that once you accept Jesus you can sin all you want and still go to Heaven?
No this is not true..Repentance of sin and turning away from sin are required...
That is not to say we don't struggle, but we place our faith in God and use it to strengthen our will...
Christ died WHILE we were sinners..Christians, is it true that once you accept Jesus you can sin all you want and still go to Heaven?
If all a person wants to do is sin, then they have never been born again because a person who is born again has new, godly desires. Their want to has been changed, if that makes sense. They are now partakers of God's Holy nature and that is why a person who is born again hates sin and struggles with sin. It doesn't mean that you never have sinful desires but there is also the desire to please God, you want to obey God, not the devil. Those who just want to please self are not true Christians and they take the grace of God lightly and cheaply.
it is fearful, but it is right to say it;—that if we wished to imagine a punishment for an unholy, reprobate soul, we perhaps could not fancy a greater than to summon it to heaven. Heaven would be hell to an irreligious man. We know how unhappy we are apt to feel at present, when alone in the midst of strangers, or of men of different tastes and habits from ourselves. How miserable, for example, would it be to have to live in a foreign land, among a people whose faces we never saw before, and whose language we could not learn. And this is but a faint illustration of the loneliness of a man of earthly dispositions and tastes, thrust into the society of saints and angels. How forlorn would he wander through the courts of heaven! He would find no one like himself; he would see in every direction the marks of God's holiness, and these would make him shudder. He would feel himself always in His presence. He could no longer turn his thoughts another way, as he does now, when conscience reproaches him. He would know that the Eternal Eye was ever upon him; and that Eye of holiness, which is joy and life to holy creatures, would seem to him an Eye of wrath and punishment. God cannot change His nature. Holy He must ever be. But while He is holy, no unholy soul can be happy in heaven.
That's a very good honest question, and it deserves a very good honest answer which I'll try my best to give.
If you're not really trying, then you haven't really repented. When you repent, you give your life to Jesus and surrender your thoughts and actions to him. There is no such thing as ';can't help but sinning'; once you commit to Jesus; he's always there to help once you give him permission (which is what repenting is).
I pray this is taken in with an open mind and heart, and that it helps you in every way you wanted it to.
God bless, -Jazmagirl
I believe that no matter what we say, you will find another question to ask, so why bother? If you don't believe in God, fine. Let us people who do alone. If you really want to know what I think, I think that this is Hell. I believe this life is a test and we need to pass it in order to move on to a higher dimension. If we keep screwing up we have to keep coming back. When we get it right we can finally go home.
No, it is not true. As John 5:16 explains, ';There is a sin that leads to death.'; Christians retain their free will, which includes the freedom to irrevocably reject God. Hell is certainly an option for Christians who choose a sin that leads to death.
Sinning in your heart is a sin that does not lead to death. John explains that such sin is forgivable: ';If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. . . All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.';
No free pass, but a cure for the sickness of sin.
No way! We still have our own falls from grace every time we sin. That's why repentance is a lifelong process -- a continual process of refinement and perfection.
Fortunately, we are judged in the end according to our works. Our thoughts might have unpleasant short-term consequences, but our works will decide the matter in the long run. Fortunately, in my case, because my thoughts are much worse than my deeds.
John the Baptist said we would be known by our works, I think. If I die in my sins because I've refused to repent, or I have murdered, or I have sinned against the Holy Ghost, then there is no way I'll escape Hell. Fortunately, hell is destroyed along with death, and only the Sons of Perdition will have any more suffering in Outer Darkness.
Tough question. There is no constitution-type thing that tells us every detail about what sins bring you closer to doom.
No one who ';accepts Jesus'; will sin all they want. Once they ';accept';, sin should fall out of their life fairly quickly. A lot of people today are Christians officially, but they are so preoccupied with what they deem to be important (in their own life) that they forget the basic founding principles of Christianity.
Not according to most Christians, Catholics have the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we must atone for our sins to stay in the Grace of God.
The Once Saved Always Saved group would agree with you, but they are a minority, Chris (CJ) this question is for you, not me.
Peace be with you.
Believing in Jesus means that you are forgiven all sins past, present, and future, no matter what those sins are.
Not all who claim to be ';Christian';, however, believe this. And since all Christians are still sinners, I guess those that don't believe it, will be going to hell. But I won't be going to hell, thanks to Jesus :)
Sinners will go to heaven or hell. The only difference is whether one has accepted and trusted Jesus as their savior. He is crediting his righteousness to your account, and you can't out-sin his righteousness. The type of sin doesn't matter. If you are a christian you will still mess up and sin, in both thought and deed. but it should not be a continuous lifestyle of sin. So yes you get a free pass. I know some people would say ';well I'll just believe so I can go to heaven and keep doing whatever I want, it's the best of both worlds'; . The truth is that it's better to leave that up to God, I only have to worry about me. The Bible tells us there's lots of pretenders out there. Books have been written on this subject this answer is by no means exhaustive. Good Luck and God Bless .
a follower of Christ must turn from their sins.
Romans 2:3-5 (New Living Translation)
3 Since you judge others for doing these things, why do you think you can avoid God’s judgment when you do the same things? 4 Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?
5 But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.
Becoming a christian is not like putting on your shoes or coat, it is a process that may take you all your life to do. I believe once your saved and accept Christ you are going to Heaven, however becoming a Christian means you live your life to serve and represent Jesus Christ. As John Wesley fount it is not just going to church or saying you are a Christian it is living it and having faith in Christ. Your question is really two parts making it to heaven by being saved yes you do. As to how you live that is a question until it self, many of us believe there is a God in our head but, remember God does not judge your head he judges your heart that is where you need to change. I believe we are on a journey (road trip) sometimes we get lose and delayed however as a believer we who believe may get lose or delayed (back slide) we have to have faith God is there to help us find our way. Remember what the thief said to Jesus on the cross when he ask Jesus to remember him what did Jesus say to him For today you will be in Paradise with me.
If someone fit the scenario you show us that person would not be a Christian, they would still be unsaved. A person still committing the things you mention does not have a contrite heart, has not repented and shows no signs of ever wishing to so they would die a sinner and be judged accordingly.
Christians are certainly not perfect, we sin and we regret it and grieve over it and repent. We get right with God quickly. Anyone who habitually sins, shows no signs of being sorry or of wishing to change is not saved. There is no such thing as a 'free pass' in the sense you mean it but Salvation is Free. Jesus asks for nothing in return except our faith in Him but He knows a fraud when He sees one.
Christians, is it true that once you accept Jesus you can sin all you want and still go to Heaven? No that is not true
Or do you still face going to Hell for sin, even though you've accepted Jesus? No once you are saved you stay saved. Once saved a person's soul is saved to not want to Sin anymore. The power of God can help a christian not to Sin. God tells christians be you Holy for I am Holy.
Suppose you're a sexual deviant, and you can't help sinning in your heart (such as committing adultery in your mind, or wishing harm on someone you don't like). Do you still get a free pass, or do you get to go to Hell with the rest of the sinners?
No we do not get a free pass if we continue to live in Sin after salvation. A person who continues to sin after being saved was not saved in the first place. A person may Sin one time but not on a continual basis.
A person who continues to Sin after salvation was not saved in the first place and will still go to hell.
after accepting Christ you CAN sin and still go to heaven but you can't sin ';ALL YOU WANT TO';
after accepting Christ, you receive the Holy Spirit which compels you to rebuke sins after you commit them...
the point is that you turn from your sins when you accept the Holy Spirit
if you are ';sexually deviant'; and truly become a Christian, you will no longer have lust without care...you may still lust, but you will now understand what that means, how it makes God feels and why you shouldn't do it...though you may continue to do it...it is the idea that your spirit understands that you shouldn't ----Though, accepting Christ also allows you to realize that no one is perfect and that you will always sin, which is why you need JESUS in your life to wash them away and reconnect you to a sinless God
No matter what, everyone is a sinner. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
The difference between someone who has accepted Jesus and those who haven't is that we don't want to sin. We repent, and try to be as much like the master as possible. There is a desire to do good in our hearts once we are saved.
If you see any good in me, it's because of Him. A vessle of mercy is all that I am. Still just a wicked sinner like everyone else.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
God knows your heart and he knows what you are capable of doing and if your heart isn't in the right place and u just ain't trying to do right then it really doesn't matter if u except Christ or not.....Cus in the end if u really want to change for the better u will...and God will see that and give u a chance....
Yes and no. if u r in the Bible so u can have eternal life, u r not truly saved. but if u truly want God in ur heart, and try to avoid sin, u r saved. Jesus gave us that passage when He died on the cross. If u commit adultry in ur mind, on purpose, cuz u think it doesnt count, thats wrong. but if u try to abolish it from ur mind, and pray for God to help u, then.. what more can u do? its all about ur reasons, and whats in ur heart. if u sin bcuz u want to then u r not truly in God. but if u sin cuz u give in, then feel horrible about it later %26amp; repent, then ur saved. No one (besides Jesus) is perfect. All Christians sin again and agian but if u r truly sorry, then all is forgiven.
and i dont blieve ppl ';go 3 hell'; hell is a pit wear the devil is locked for 1000 (i think) years. ppl just.. die. and then the sinners r brought back to life for The Final Battle.
Accepting Jesus means you want to live a life like Jesus - a life in conformity to God's will, that is, free from sin.
No one can deliberately continue to sin and expect to be in heaven. It just shows s/he has not accepted Jesus in reality.
It's true and I've seen it over and over again. You can even be a serial killer and accept Jesus on your deathbed and go to heaven while some poor schmuck who feeds and clothes hungry people daily but doesn't accept Christ goes to hell ... WOW ... reality check needed!!!
When you accept Jesus you are born again. The old man passes away and all things become brand new. You cannot put new wine into an old wine skin. When you have the Holy Spirit residing in you there is no room for any other spirits. We are conformed by the renewing of our minds. What you are describing is someone who was never born again.
Well.. Confirmed Atheist.. the believer does not ever want to sin, because it offends and is opposed to God. We want to honor and follow him, but we are human and mess up.
However, to those who believe and trust in him... he forgives, and we live in the joy of that.
';Sin all you want'; implies that we -want- to sin after we've accepted Jesus. That's not how it works. No saved soul wants to sin; part of being born again is leaving the old nature behind in exchange for a new nature.
The Bible, Jesus own words, say that IF one is a Christian they will NOT sin anymore! Being baptized dose not get one to heaven. One has to believe and do as the Bible tells us or heaven will not be seen.
All unforgiven sins are still present.
One must sincerly repent and work to never sin that way again. Then, and only then, is the sin removed.
You have to mean that you are truly sorry for your sins to be totally forgiven. If you meant it, you wouldn't still want to do it!
I can still sin all I want, I just don't want to sin any more. They who are dead to sin should no longer live therein.
No, confirmed atheist you can not. If you continue to willfully sin you forfeit your salvation.
According to their bible, you can sin away your life and all you'll have to do is ask god for forgiveness, and you'll be forgiven. How convenient.
I'm atheist so I'm free to do what I wan anyways. But if I were to believe in God I would do the same thing and then just ask for forgiveness on my death bed.
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