Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christians, is it true that Jesus Christ and the Bible have all the answers?

If so, why do you keep asking questions in this forum??Christians, is it true that Jesus Christ and the Bible have all the answers?
all exept how is babby formed.Christians, is it true that Jesus Christ and the Bible have all the answers?
The only reason that I visit these forums is because I think there are some people who want the truth but don't know where to look for it. It is true that all answers are in the Bible, however, God gives the answers. A life without prayer and only reading the bible is not what the lord wants. he wants a relationship, fellowship, with his believers.
Wow! No one ever said that before! Some people have questions and go to those that may have more insight to receive instruction. Jesus taught the Crowds and then explained everything to the Disciples for the questions that would come. This is why we are to congregate. Not just go to Church but to be around other believers. We ask and grow and keep on trucking.

For example. Last Sunday we were reading the calling of the Disciples and I finally saw that Matthew was also called Levi. I had a question was Matthew of the tribe of Levi called into priestly service and was as far from it as one could go. If so Jesus redeemed Matthew in more than one way and made him a Priest of the new order. But, without a good genealogy it is unknown.
It has all the essential answers to for salvation and godliness.

It does not answer every question and there are questions that are not necessarily helpful to us to know. What was the real origin of evil... not sure that is answered.

Just as Jesus said on the cross ';My God My GOd why have you forsaken me?'; with no answer we should not be so quick to rush in and answer

sometimes it is the questions that tell us more than the answers. In the end of Job, God asked Job 70 questions without answers and Job gave no answer himself
Couple reasons.

1.) The Questions I ask on religion I already know the answer or feel I do. Like my last question I asked about the Sabbath or God's Laws, if anyone could show me where ether one was done away with. I searched and searched but no where in the Bible can I find ether one being done away with, but lots of people believe that the law has been done away with, ';Nail to the cross';, ';Jesus fulfilled the Law.'; and so on. But fulfilling something doesn't do away with it.

So I asked that question to for one see what kind of answers I would get. This gives me something to study on so that I can be ready to give an answer as the Bible tells me to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within me.

2.) I ask the questions to maybe get people to start thinking, like, ';Why do we go to church on Sunday when the true Sabbath is on Saturday?'; ';Did Jesus really raise on Sunday like everyone says?'; This gets them to start proving all things like God tells us to.

And 3.) last but not least is well I already said this, so that I can look up the scripture they give me and study it and figure out just what it is saying. Much like with the blanket and was let down three times to Peter with all kinds of creatures in it and God telling him to raise, kill and eat. People use that scripture to say that we can eat anything but that isn't what that scripture is referring to. Lots of people don't read the whole chapter to find out that what God has cleansed that He was referring to was the people that came looking for Peter.

So those are the three top reasons I do ask questions.

Hope that helps and have a Blessed Day.
I've asked very few questions. Mostly, I'm here to answer those who ask. And most of the questions are fielded by unbelievers. This is a field, rich for harvest.

Yes, I believe they have all the answers (at least for the ';important'; questions). I am in here to answer questions, not ask them.
and God. God has answers!


I think you should think about your question for awhile...

Just because they have all the answers doesn't mean some of us human's don't know how to show another human scripture...

THINK before you SPEAK.
So, you atheists are trolling for no particular reason?
Jesus Christ, yes.

The Bible, no. There is more scripture than just the bible.
To make atheists feel like a somebody when they say'; There is no God ain't I Smart and very logical too';
true, the Bible and and Jesus have all the answers, thanks for wanting to know. %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Do snails melt?

Bible says yes.

God has not given us all of the answers yet.
seek and you shall find

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