Friday, February 12, 2010

How do you reach out to the people who have not heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ our God?

How do you explain to people what is the gospel?How do you reach out to the people who have not heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ our God?
Just preach like Jesus did. Strike up conversations. I just explain our justice system as an analogy for God's only God's is perfect.

Those like Oracle and Michael K are hard hearted spiritually dead, God hating enemies of God. Yet God is still patiently waiting for them to repent before they they have their appointment. (Heb. 9:27) Or if they ignore His message and those who preach it, God may just cut their time short on this earth. As we know, as the Scriptures say, they will be consumed in an eternal flame, tortured without mercy by Demons, be consumed in darkness, not a drop of water for eternity.

The Bible refers to the fate of the unsaved with such fearful words as the following:

* ';Shame and everlasting contempt'; (Daniel 12:2)

* ';Everlasting punishment'; (Matthew 25:46)

* ';Weeping and gnashing of teeth'; (Matthew 24:51)

* ';Fire unquenchable'; (Luke 3:17)

* ';Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish'; (Romans 2:8,9)

* ';Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord'; (2 Thessalonians 1:9)

* ';Eternal fire...the blackness of darkness for ever'; (Jude 7,13)

Revelation 14:10,11 tells us the final, eternal destiny of the sinner: ';He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone...the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day or night.';

All they got to do is Repent and that means to turn from sin to God. It's not a bad deal!

BTW Oracle and Michael K, take these verses up with God. He told us to preach so you don't have to face hellfire. Yet you tell us to keep our mouths shut. How dare you! Take this up with God if you don't like it. You can do it now and He may have mercy on you, or hell just got hotter in preparation for your arrival.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matt. 28:19-20

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mk. 16:15How do you reach out to the people who have not heard the true Gospel of Jesus Christ our God?
Do not care what the oracle said, she is the troll of R/S

I spend some time here in R/S. Occasionally I visit other columns, but this R/S is my favorite.

I also talk to people in real life, but i have not done any mission trips yet. My church has a very active missions team, i want to do something, but I am not quite sure what.

I saw you asking a question in Thailand's question board, I think I try that too sometimes. I might have already done it but by mistake, lol

I love to share the gospel to people and the message is that God loves them. There is something very rewarding with it. Then there are hateful people who mock your beliefs, I leave them alone like God asks us to do in the Bible. However, here on R/S I really try to make time for the questions that non-believers ask.
Paul reasoned with people, both in person and in his letters.

Look for example at his time in Athens (Acts 17). He also went to the people (house to house Acts 20:20), as did the 12 apostles (Acts 7:42).

To understand the growth of Paul's reasoning method, read his letters in chronological order.

1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians


1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians







1 Timothy


2 Timothy
hello....well first of all the bible says the gospel of jesus christ will be preached to the whole world then the end will come...GOD has chosen people from there birth to be ministers of the gospel...the gospel will be preached to the utter most parts of the you feel GOD is calling you???....the word gospel means glad tidings or good news and the good news is that jesus died for our sins and he wants to bring us salvation....
Read the book of Acts and the books of the Bible written by Paul. This was exactly what Paul was doing; reaching out to the people who had not heard the good news. Paul is an excellent example to follow but just like in Paul's case, you will be persecuted for doing so.

Mike R
I just finished a great book on evangelism which gave me tips on how to start eternal conversations with strangers. It also taught me how to present the Gospel clearly and effectively!! I am a born again Christian but need to do much more witnessing!!
You seem to be assuming that they want to know about it.

You also seem to be assuming that you have some kind of authority to go and push Christian teachings on people who might otherwise be perfectly happy without them.
Well, so far I have just been led by God Spirit to speak to certain people, with surprising results !!

Quite shocking actually coming from a door to door JW method !

God is in control not me.

I just have to be ready and willing to go when He says go !
Jesus is God's Son, not God. 1 John 5:5 says: ';And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.';

Before you can help others, you have to know the truth yourself.
Well...about the only people who haven't heard your nonsense are those uncontacted tribes in Peru. I guess you need to pack your bags.
Please keep your superstition to yourself.
Like Donna said, one shouldn't proselytize unless asked.
How about you don't unless asked.
How about you don't.
throw them a yarn, oops i mean rope.
Why do you assume you know better about a stranger's life than that person that you need to say they should believe YOU?
How about if I ram my personal beliefs down YOUR throat?!
Well Jesus isn't God...

Sooo....I dunno what is true about your Gospel.

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