Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it true that mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers?

I heard this before, but I asked my mormon friend and he said its not true, then why do so many people say that it is true?Is it true that mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers?
Hi, the declared,

Yes, they do believe Jesus %26amp; Satan are brothers. They have many strange beliefs, practices also which some are secret by the leaders in the church, but thanks to X-mormons, the truth is now being revealed about those secret practices %26amp; their strange beliefs.

I'm in Jesus Christ's service,

KIs it true that mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers?
You both have no idea concerning the belief of Mormons.

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Bettina S: Friend, I know a great deal about Mormons %26amp; the their church. Could it be that you do not?

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If you are asking ';Do Mormons believe that Mary had twins and one of those twins was Satan?'; The answer is a resounding, NO!

When Satan was cast out of heaven for his rebellion and became the Devil he lost the opportunity to get a body.

We do believe that we have the same kind of relationship to Christ as what Satan has, and that is limited to the fact that God created everything and He is the spiritual father of our souls, and yes even Satan's soul. Satan rebelled against God and thus was cast out of heaven, and is now the enemy to all mankind.

That is the limit of the relationship between Jesus Christ and Satan.

Your friend told you that it wasn't true, so do you not trust your friend? Have you known your friend to lie or attempt to deceive you? Do you think that he doesn't know much about his own church?
We believe that everyone (yes, everyone), including Jesus and Lucifer, are our SPIRIT brothers and sisters. So, as spirit children of our Heavenly Father, Jesus is our brother and lucifer is our brother. Physically, no. Satan is not a son of Mary.

I will also add that Rdk6 and Ducky and alexandra gave great answers.
Not really. We believe that God is our Maker, and that all of us, including Christ and Satan, are His spiritual children. In that sense, I suppose Satan and Christ could be counted as siblings, but we don't really think of it that way. There isn't a blood connection between the two, and there aren't any more commonalities between them than there are between, say, you and I. We're both children of God, but I don't even know you. How connected can we be?

People are always tossing this one out as some kind of strange, twisted doctrine, but really, I don't think I've ever heard this mentioned in church. It's not something we teach or care about. People are just making a mountain out of what wouldn't even qualify for a molehill.
The bible teaches us that we are children of God. This is not just a Mormon belief it is a belief that should be held by any Christian who believes the bible.

now follow the logical chain of an anti-mormon.

We are children of God + Christ is the Son of God + Satan was an angel (a creation or son of God) Therefore -%26gt; Satan and Jesus are brothers. These are all very Christian beliefs but by spin doctoring it they make it sound bad. Whether it is true or not it does not hurt the divinity of Christ. Good people sometimes have bad relatives, that doesn't make them bad people.

I have never in 25 years of attending the Mormon church had a lesson on the importance on the ';Jesus and the Devil are brothers'; doctrine, and whether or not we should believe it. This doesn't mean we officially do or don't believe it. This means that it's not really important what we believe on the subject.
Physically, No. There is only One Only Begotten of the Father and that is Jesus Christ. Spiritually, it is true as Mormons believe that all are sons and daughters of God. But anyone can be spiritually cut off from God as Satan so did and anyone who sins falls into being cut off from Heavenly Father.
In a mortal, physical sense, we absolutely do NOT believe Jesus and Satan were brothers. We believe that Jesus was the ONLY begotten of God in the flesh. I repeat...ONLY. In other words, ONLY. Perhaps this is what your friend meant.

In a spiritual sense, we believe we are ALL children of God. In that sense, we believe we are ALL siblings, not just Jesus, and not just Lucifer. As taught in Isaiah, Lucifer was one of God's brightest before his pride took over and he rebelled. But again we believe we are all siblings in a spiritual sense. Singling out just Jesus and Lucifer is misleading, as it gives the impression that we believe God had only TWO sons: Jesus and Lucifer, which is not true. In a mortal, physical sense, God only had ONE son...Jesus. In a spiritual sense, we believe we are ALL children of God.
Jesus and Satan and all of us share God the Father as our spiritual Father.

Jesus chose to obey God the Father perfectly and to share in His divine nature/power.

that same free agency allowed Satan to turn against God, fight against Jesus, and condemn himself to eternal damnation.

the rest of us have to make the choice as to whom we follow.

if we choose to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace it extends to us - it will take us home again.

if we choose to follow Satan's example, and refuse to accept the gift of the atonement, our 'spiritual parentage' cannot help us, just as it cannot help dignify Satan. (it won't matter who your daddy is)
Spiritually, Jesus and Satan and everyone who ever existed- including the third of the host of heaven that fell and went with Satan- are our brothers and sisters. Physically, they're as related- no, less, because Satan will never have a body- as you and me.
This is a distortion and has things out of context.

Satan was never a physical brother of Jesus and wasn't mothered by Mary.

All humanity from Adam to the end of time are spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Notice anti and ex mormons never say that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers

or all humanity are spirit sons and daughters of our heavenly father for the shock value.

In the pre existence, in the heavenly council Satan asked for himself to be the redeemer by making all of us be good, while Jesus said I'll redeem all humanity and give the credit to the father. The Father decided on Jesus. Satan rebelled with 1/3 of all heaven and left.

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No Mormons don't believe God became God by obeying the laws and ordinaces from another planet

We don't believe we will have planets of our own

Thunderc....whatever his link is good for study but his opinions are from an antimormon website.
We believe, like the Bible teaches, that in heaven Satan was once good, which makes him a spiritual son of God. We believe we were all there too.

I've answered this question before so I'm going to copy n paste.

The Bible backs our position on this.

The Bible preaches that Satan was once one of us.

It preaches that he was once good.

Jesus was the one chosen to be our Savior, so there are still only 3 in the Godhead.

In Isaiah, Satan is called Lucifer.

Did you know that Lucifer means ';light bringer';?

Why would Isaiah call him that? Because Satan used to be good. He rebelled and was cast out of heaven.

Now Christ is also called a light bringer (Ps. 118:27, Jn 8:12) and is known as the Light of the world.

Satan is called ';the star that fell from heaven';.

Just from that we know that at one point he was up because he'd have to be in order to fall or be cast down. Right?

Jesus is called ';the bright and morning Star'; (Rev. 2:28, 22:16).

Satan is called ';son of the morning';.

';Morning'; is symbolic of the time when we all lived in heaven before we came to this earth. Morning=early time.

Both Satan and Jesus were called ';sons';, ';stars';, and ';light (bringers)';.

Why is it hard to accept that they were spiritual brothers in type?

We all are.

People who follow God are considered his sons and daughters.

Satan was once righteous and so at that time he would be a brother to us all. Even to Jesus Christ.

That's the WAY we believe he is a brother. He was once good...We become children of God when we choose to follow Him. If we change our minds and love wickedness, then we are no longer a son or daughter of God. We are no longer considered a member of the symbolic family of God.

In no way do we believe that Satan was chosen to be a Savior.

People who write craziness about Satan being an angel, as if an angel is different than other individuals who do not have bodies, are the ones who need to prove that notion with Bible scripture.

Jesus is the Son of God.

He is not God the Father.

Satan is another individual.

All 3 are separate.
Jesus said he was the son of God. Satan was a son of God. We are all children of the most high, according to the Psalm. We are all sons and daughters of God. Satan, however, has been disinherited for violating the entailment on the first estate.
Because people love always rumors of sensation and outrage.

Here the explanation to this issue:…

For better understandings…
I don't see none of the usual mormons on here yet so as an ex-mormon, yes, they there are two sons fo God, they generally say that we are all God children so...maybe some say taht since he is now the devil, then how can that be but their war in heaven story states he was a son of God before he fell from grace, so therefore he still is.

Here is a question posed by an LDS person on the subject:;…
Mormons, if they believe Jesus and Satan brother';s why so mush evil on the Earth...This is not true. Satan is Satan and Jesus is Jesus. If there is good there must bad too.
Yes, I believe that's what Mormonism teaches.
rdk6 and Ducky have given you the most complete answer..... no need for my opinion! ; )
';Jesus, Satan, and all humanity share God the Father as their spiritual sire. However, moral agency led Jesus to obey God the Father perfectly and share fully in the Father's divine nature and power. The same agency led Satan to renounce God, fight Jesus, and doom himself to eternal damnation. The remainder of God's children—all of us—have the choice to follow the route chosen by Satan, or the path to which Christ invites us and shows the way.

Divine parenthood gives all children of God potential; Christ maximized that potential, and Satan squandered it.';

Mormons teach that God the father used to be a man on another planet, that he became a God by following the laws and ordinances of that God on that planet and came to this world with his wife (she became a goddess), and that they produce a spirit offspring in heaven. These spirit offspring, which includes Jesus, the devil, and you and me, are all brothers and sisters born in the preexistence. The preexistence spirits come down and inhabit babies at the time of birth and their memories of the preexistence are lost at the time. Furthermore, faithful Mormons, who pay a full 10% tithe of their income to the Mormon church through Mormon temples, have the potential of becoming gods of their own planets and are then able to start the procedure over again.
CHRISTIANITY suggests that it's true as well. They are both sons of god, therefore they are brothers. Also, since Jesus is god, that makes Satan the son of Jesus...Who is also god. SO Satan IS Jesus...Who is god...GOD IS SATAN!
Yes t… do-
No one knows what Mormons believe not even other Mormons, because it changes every time their current leader has a revelation.
Yes it is true. Your Mormon friend said that because he is either dishonest or ignorant. Sorry.
Christians and Mormons hardly know what the Bible teaches about Satan... They hardly read the Bible!

The Priestly clan of Jewish Bible writers who put together the “Creation” story and the “God” that goes along with it wrote that during the “creation week” when God created “Heaven” with all the angels, 1/3 of them, including Lucifer* (*”Light Bearer,” the most beautiful and intelligent angel ever created) was not one bit impressed with God’s “beauty and holiness.” They made full use of their free will, and rebelled against God on the spot! They became known as DEMONS, and SATAN! Christians today are sweet talked into totally ignoring this, and any other story in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith. The Bible God had this drama planned BEFORE the “foundation of the world.” God created angels with the capacity to become Demons and Satan, almost immediately! They were ready to compete with God on the best way to manipulate the world population that God “loves” so much. Satan was ready to tempt Eve as soon as she was put together, in a messy operation involving one of Adam’s spare ribs!

The Bible writers made up the story of a sadistic God the Father planning to send his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON Jesus Christ to Earth to have him sacrificed on a Cross so the human race can be forgiven for what Eve did eating the fruit of knowledge. God planned for Adam and Eve to remain a couple of low IQ ignorant people! God’s original idea was to have Jesus beaten to a pulp, totally tenderized, heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit, and nailed by the hands to a Holy Cross especially designed for the occasion! The original Jewish Bible writers provided enough stories for the creation of 2 of the major religions in the world, Christianity and Islam.

The Bible writers discovered a few incoherent stories in the OT that they used to come up with the Christian religion, while Islam was put together on a tangent of their own. There is no record outside of the Bible that Jesus ever existed, or that the Romans ever crucified anybody to any cross in Jerusalem. Our body is too heavy to hang so gently in there, from just a couple of nails! The Romans were known to impale their victims driving a pole into their rectum and making them stand up into the air until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing the victim. The thicker the pole, the longer it took for the victim to die. In some cases, the victim would die a few days later, of severe internal bleeding. Jesus died a sissy man’s death hardly shedding any blood while hanging naked to the Cross. If he were to be impaled, there would be a lot of blood mixed with feces gushing out of his anal cavity when the pole is removed (not a nice “blood shedding” event for most religious purposes). The Romans had plenty of poles available to them for free. They never had to manufacture any cross, or even a NAIL! Nails were not that easy to make in those days! The horizontal beam of any “crucifying” cross has to be very carefully designed and built to stay firmly in place not to come loose jeopardizing the safety of the victim nailed to it! You don’t need to be scientifically oriented to figure that much! Christians hate science! The Christian idea of a cross comes from some odd ball Heathen source! In the real world that we live in, it is very doubtful that the Romans would have spent so much taxpayer’s money, and effort to nail common thieves to such elaborate crosses that needed to be dramatically carried back and forth to the execution site! The Romans were not that stupid!

Deuteronomy 21:23 (KJV) His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; for HE THAT IS HANGED* (*plain hanging of a sinner by the neck) IS ACCURSED OF GOD; that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

When Christianity was put together they used this “clue” in the Old Testament to come up with the idea of a crucifixion, and same day burial for Jesus! Spiritually speaking the “land” of Judea was never “defiled,” but no Christian wants to talk about it.

1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): who verily was foreordained before* (*please Christian, read it again! “WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE”) THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD* (*God planned the whole creation just to crucify Jesus Christ)!

Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.* (*Jesus is following the script in a HOLY BOOK! That is why the NT Bible writers always claimed that he did this and that so that any “prophecy” about him may be fulfilled (Mat 4:14)! This is the best way to fulfill any Bible “prophecy,” especially the ones that DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL, and need to be “spiritualized!”)

The Bible writers claim that God got so upset at all the dissenting angels before the fall of Eve that he didn’t provide them with any Savior, instead he created a sulfuric lake of fire burning in HelI located in the depth of this Earth to punish them “someday” for ever and ever along with all the unbelieving Jews, and the rest of the world!

Matthew 25:41 (KJV) (Jesus, speaking to the Jews that he came to save) Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

God is still in desperate need of all the help that he can get from the Demons and Satan, to make life miserable to everybody, especially Christians! RIGHT NOW, all the Demons and Satan are freely commuting back and forth from Heaven to Earth until the “end of the world.” The Bible God and Satan are not much different from any of the Heathen Gods of that time! The preachers are hiding all these statements in the Bible from public knowledge, and very seldom if ever they are discussed in open Church sessions! It takes an honest atheist to tell the world that Christianity is a cruel joke on the rest of us!

Revelation 12:9-10 (KJV) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent* (*that tempted Eve!), called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven* (*Heaven is full of sound effects like in any Greek theater of that time!), Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for THE ACCUSER OF OUR BRETHREN IS CAST DOWN, WHICH ACCUSED THEM BEFORE OUR GOD DAY AND NIGHT.

The whole Bible story is like a classical Greek theatrical show. Satan and his angels are DAY AND NIGHT EXTREMELY BUSY IN HEAVEN! Obviously the Bible Heaven is run by a whole bunch of moron Aliens. The “Holy Throne” of the Bible God is infested with all sorts of Demons and Satan blowing the whistle on any misbehaving Christian! God never gets tired DAY AND NIGHT to pay attention to their report! God is on record that he destroyed Sodom based on their report (Gen 18:20-21)!

A few short years after the story of Noah’s Flood, God also heard reports from these same Demons that the few people that began to repopulate the world was living in full harmony, had a common language, and that they were united in an effort to build a tower of TAR AND CLAY to reach Heaven! God became so paranoiac that the whole Trinity team came down to EARTH to investigate the reports! In punishment for their novel experiment in a tar and clay application, God confused for ever the common language spoken on the Earth. That is why we have so many languages today! The Bible God is the “Chief Author of Confusion” to this day (Gen 11:5-7)! And some naive men of science still want to dialogue with creationists about an “Intelligent Designer” Bible God!

According to the Bible writers, Satan is very much respected in Heaven! No human or angelical being has the power to hurt or offend Satan. The elite Archangel Saint Michael, and Satan had a fetish tearing apart the dead body of Moses. They did it with due respect for each other (Jude 1:9)! At times, Satan is much more powerful than God! (1 Thes 2:8, Judges 1:19) The Bible writers make it look like God lost to Satan ALL the kingdoms in the world (Mat 4)! God must have been a terrible poker player! 2,000 Years ago Satan was dragging around God the Son Jesus Christ to a spot in a secluded rest area on top of the highest mountain, for Jesus to see ALL the kingdoms on this flat Bible Earth. Then when nobody was watching, Satan was ready to hand them over to him, only if Jesus would discreetly KNEEL DOWN and worship him guy to guy (Mat 4:9)! Jesus told the Devil that only God the Father ought to be worshiped like that!

The Bible writers insist that without gullibility, aka “faith” it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6)! Atheists can relate to that 100%! Jesus clarifies that a person has to have the gullibility of a child to follow him! The Bible stories are NO different from any story of Heathen origin that Christians today still deep throat like a charm, spiritually speaking, of course!
That is nonsense, unless you want to believe it.
So then God would be Satan's father and brother at the same time? Huh?
no only morons do jesus is god
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